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Jobs and Employment

Skilled employment will move Wisconsin Forward.

Jobs and Employment

There is so much to be said for work and many times politicians only throw money at it, when there is more to it than that.

According to the U.S. Small Business Association 99.4% of the Wisconsin business comes from small businesses of less than 500 employees (Office of Advocacy, 2021). I understand the amount of work that goes into a small businesses and farming. My priority is to support every Wisconsin business and farmer.

  • Turning over a new leaf: According to the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, the turn over rate for employees in leisure and hospitality is 84.9%, education and health is 37.3%, and professional and business services is 64.2% in 2021 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , 2022). As Governor my goal is to slow down the increasing turn over rates in Wisconsin by providing businesses with access to resources they need.

  • Blue Collar doesn’t mean lower class: Our farmers and tradespeople are important to Wisconsin. As Governor it is my goal to bridge the gap between blue collar and white collar jobs. I believe that the insistence for more white collar jobs is creating a skills gap that, if not fixed, could have devastating consequences to our state. I will pursue education in skill based employment that will help Wisconsin move forward in closing the gaps of the labor force .

  • Informed budgeting and aid: I plan to boost economic growth in Wisconsin by providing financial aid relief packages to our businesses and our people, in efforts to boost our economy and bring back a lively working community.

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