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Voting Integrity

Respecting our election process.

Voting Integrity

It is time to focus on moving forward.

Elections and voting are the staple to our government. It is my goal to help all of Wisconsin to understand the elections process. Your local elections are very important. Who is voted onto a school board, as mayor, or appointed as judge can determine what education looks like, what motions are passed, and the outcome of justice.

  • Moving forward: What has happened in past elections is done. Let us focus on what we can do now to change election integrity in accordance to Wisconsin Law. Wisconsin has in place many ways to make sure people have access to vote. These methods are safely stewarded by dedicated election workers.

  • Your Voice Matters: No matter what happens there are always options. If we come together as Wisconsinites we can change politics. If half of Wisconsin voted third party then the win would expose the other parties to the issues people want addressed. Your vote is not wasted nor will it ever be no matter how many times people in power tell you.

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